Friday, October 19, 2012

Aunt Lola's Baby Shower

We hosted Aunt Lola's baby shower for Baby Justin Verlander, as we like to call him.  It was a success.  Great food.  Gramma Char whipped up some of that amazing chicken salad from rotisserie chicken and mmmhh, mmmmhhh, mmmmhhhh, it was was good!  Lola had a lot special people present and got stocked up with plenty of baby loot for the new addition.

 The Schwab girls! This one makes you feel old.  All three of the N girls babysat for these girls that are all grown up now and having babies of their own!!  Yikes!  Jessica is at OSU (no babies for her). Tonya is cooking her first and had a hard time eating anything at the party because of her nausea.  And, Nicole is pictured here with her son and is growing number #2.  Wow.
 Lola opening up presents with the help of Tessa and Molly.  Laura's MIL is diligently recording all the gifts for thank yous.
 Tessa wanted her picture taken with the guest of honor.
 Miss Mia.  4 months.  She ain't starving.
 Gramma Char and Lola
 The N Grandladies...Paige, Kendall, Mia, Tessa and Molly
Silly faces!

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