Monday, October 29, 2012

Police Academy

Tessa went to a Halloween party and Trunk & Treat with fellow kinder-bud Emma.  Tessa didn't have all the pieces to her actual Halloween costume yet so she went a shopping in the toy room.  She came out with a Police Officer uniform. I was rather surprised and proud!  It was interesting that someone who doesn't really want to follow any rules would like to dress up as someone who enforces all the rules.
Officer Tessa is pretty serious.  She's writing me a ticket. I forget what for?  But I'm sure it was warranted.

Cutest officer ever.  Didn't catch it in this picture but she has on black boots with little pump heels that would otherwise seem very trashy but on this occasion couldn't have been more perfect.  And for those we thank Katie Allen's grandpa for his questionable shopping for his granddaughter and Tessa getting the hand me downs.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Flag Football

It's football season and Nate's playing flag football again.  Of course, as most of the kids do, he loves playing quarterback or wide receiver.  He's got a pretty tight spiral and relatively sticky fingers so he's been doing well at those positions.  He also likes to "hike" the ball.  I don't foresee him as a center seeing that he is just stacking up to about 50lbs!

That's Nate tipping forward with speed in the black pants, maroon jersey and camoflauge hat.
Awaiting the next play.  The school just put in a fancy new fake field.  It's weird to come home with little pieces of rubber all over everything rather than actual grass stains.
Water break.

Tessa keeps herself busy and fit by running around the track during the game.
The side line.  Surprising they aren't all wrestling each other and talking about gas and private parts.
Wait. Nate is smiling an evil little grin.  They are definitely talking about farts and butts.

The Team.  I forget the name.  Go team!  That's Nate in front row.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Go Tigers!

The Detroit Tigers are in the playoffs...and Mia couldn't be more excited about it!
So excited.
For the record Mommy had a really cute Tigers curly-q bow on that headband to feminize this tubby little spitting image of her big brother.  BUT, big sis Tessa took it off her head and proceeded to run over it with the 4wheeler.  Not kidding.  So, we went for the Jane Fonda sweat band look since she's wearing a boy shirt!
Tessa decided she wanted a picture with her sister after all.  Doesn't Mia look thrilled?  Mia much preferred watching Tessa whiz by on the 4 wheeler than Tessa smothering her all up in her junk!
Look at lil Miss Sassy Pants tearing it up on the 4 wheeler.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Allens visit AA

Lisa, JT , Katie and Sam came to visit for the weekend!  We packed in some major tailgating around the Michigan game.  They were lucky to have Grillmaster Al hosting another PORKOLOSSAL tailgate! Ribs and fixin's and lots of booze (and juice boxes for the kids!).  I have observed that our children imbibe juice boxes much like we do alcohol.  You don't see any of us sipping on brandy?  Well, they suck those things down and run around buzzed and happy all day long as long as we keep 'em coming!
Kids tailgating
Katie Allen.  Future cheerleader.
Al, the PORKOLOSSALGrillmaster
 Stov and Tyler helping themselves to the Phoebe Buffet

S Quad ladies...Kelly, Lisa, Lynn and Naomi
Smitty and Son came to the pregame tailgate for a visit
Tessa and Allie look like they are conspiring here for sure...
Sam, Tessa and Katie hanging out with Grandpa Don
Look at how much Tommy Calahan loves Mia!  If he can't sell brake pads he'll for surely be able to sell some of his kisses and hugs!
The Allens and the Baughman bigs. Sam 4, Katie 6, Tessa 5, Nate 7

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hanging out in Nappy

Mia and Gramma Char
No pants!
Hungry?  Me. No.  Never.
Ok.  You got me. I do like to eat a little.
HAhA!  I meant to say I love to eat a lot!
Seriously, though.  You think this is a problem for someone my age?
Tessa, Gramma Char and Mia

Friday, October 19, 2012

Aunt Lola's Baby Shower

We hosted Aunt Lola's baby shower for Baby Justin Verlander, as we like to call him.  It was a success.  Great food.  Gramma Char whipped up some of that amazing chicken salad from rotisserie chicken and mmmhh, mmmmhhh, mmmmhhhh, it was was good!  Lola had a lot special people present and got stocked up with plenty of baby loot for the new addition.

 The Schwab girls! This one makes you feel old.  All three of the N girls babysat for these girls that are all grown up now and having babies of their own!!  Yikes!  Jessica is at OSU (no babies for her). Tonya is cooking her first and had a hard time eating anything at the party because of her nausea.  And, Nicole is pictured here with her son and is growing number #2.  Wow.
 Lola opening up presents with the help of Tessa and Molly.  Laura's MIL is diligently recording all the gifts for thank yous.
 Tessa wanted her picture taken with the guest of honor.
 Miss Mia.  4 months.  She ain't starving.
 Gramma Char and Lola
 The N Grandladies...Paige, Kendall, Mia, Tessa and Molly
Silly faces!