Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Breakin' in Ohio 2012

So, nothing like the Baughman kids living in the lap of luxury and Spring Breakin' in Ohio!  Kind of have to laugh as that certainly sounds like an oxymoron! However, the reality is that our kids would never pass up some serious Gramma Gayla and Gramma Char time regardless of the location! They split the week with the grandparents.  They played hard, ate well and got nothing less than spoiled rotten.  They came home with enough paraphernalia like Tshirts, books, toys and trinkets that you would think they had been on quite the vacation tour.

Nate has developed a serious obsession with the Titanic.  We've read book after book and sometimes the same book several times over of the story, details and facts of the Titanic.  If you are any family or friend of ours Nate has checked and double-checked the passenger list to see if there was anyone related to anyone that he knows.  Well, lucky for him, the Titanic exhibit opened at the Henry Ford Museum the week of break and Gramma Gayla put it on the agenda.  Poor Gramma Char got stuck having to build a Titanic replica out of cardboard boxes once the kids got to her house.
 All bundled up and fishing in the pond.  As usual, springtime in the Midwest there can easily be a 30-40 degree temperature change within the same day. 
 Nate doesn't seem so sure about this catch?!
A little cool weather doesn't keep Cole and Nate from picnicking on the patio
Boys being boys
Bowling at the River City Bowl Away
It wasn't raining, but it was certainly cold enough and Gramma G caught wind of Nate's recent obsession with bowling!

The Titanic exhibit at Henry Ford Museum.  Cousin Keaton played hooky from school to come along!
Nate and Tessa at the stairwell. Can't you see Leo and Kate and Victor Newman coming down those stairs just like in the movie!
 The kids wanted to trade in the mini-van for this ride.
Playing Gramma's Kindle.

 Fishing and playing in to pond...wearing shorts and tshirts now, must be warming up!
De-mucking the pond.  Great job for kids!
 Tessa washing her feet? Not sure what she's doing here?
 Had to take the hockey equipment along to Ohio.
Picking Cole up from school
Cole didn't get to go to the exhibit, but he scored a Titanic Tshirt!

 Doing puzzles

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