Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter 2012

The O'Hara's came to Napoleon for Easter. We had too much food, plenty of eggs and sunshine AND we got to meet our newest baby cousin Stephen George!  Sadly, I was too busy cuddling him to take any pictures of the little man.  But, believe me, he's a cutie!

 Hanging in the driveway for the long awaited Easter Egg Hunt.
 That's Miss T out in the distance fetching some eggs.
 Kendall plucking eggs by the house.  The boys and Molly were too fast for me to get any pics!
 Paige and Aunt Lola
 The Windau Family.  L to R: Cole, Ali, Lauren, Stephen, Mar and Steve.  Where's the baby?
The Neuenschwander Grandkiddos. L to R: Nate, Kendall, Tessa, Molly, Paige and that's Zack with the bucket over his face.

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