Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter....Weasel Style 2012.

On Easter morning the Easter Bunny found us at Gramma Char's.  Our baskets were chock full of goodies. We then headed down to Findlay to meet the Weasel clan at the gun club.  It was a beautiful day!  We had a good crowd and plenty of food and activities.  We celebrated Kate and Dan's nuptials with a congratulatory wedding shower complete with a very large diamond ring cake and diamond ring pudding shots courtesy of Aunt Becky and Caitlin!

 That sneaky Easter Bunny put Nate's basket behind the couch!  His favorite basket treasure...camouflage tape. Who knew?
 Miss T and Daddy going through her loot.  She was thrilled to get more nail polish and Tigers baseball hat!
 Egg and candy hunting in the parking lot at the gun club...can't have it in the yard as there is goose poop everywhere!
 Miss T collecting her goodies

 Nate collecting his goodies
 Not sure what's up with this camoflauge bandit look?
  Cousin Christian getting in to the festivities and showing off the loot in his bag
 How sweet is that cake?!  Yes, it's a cake!
 Miss T and Corinne comparing their loot...Corinne took a spill in the pond while fishing this year.  Not sure what kind of fish pulled her in and managed to get her soaked with a complete dunk?  Fishy, huh?
 Weasel party is never complete without a pinata!

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