Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Next MJ

I might be dating myself a little by referring to Micheal Jordan but we do have a new budding basketball player in the family! Nate decided to man up and not cry for basketball evaluations this year and is on the Slippery Rock team! In Nate's defense, I do think a year of waiting has only worked in his favor as he can actually get the ball up to the hoop now. We're pretty impressed at how quickly he is improving. Initially, we think he thought it was a just a big game of "chase." All he would do is run around and try to get away from the guy that was defending him not caring where the ball was or if he was on defense or offense. He's now doing pretty good with lay-ups, dribbling and his mom has taught him some mean moves for rebounding. In case some of you have forgotten, I was All-State in basketball in high school. Silly. Yes, we know. We're pretty much convinced the same people that voted must have remembered my name from volleyball because I really wasn't very good at basketball. As I used to tell my family, my job wasn't to score the points because I think I only ever made free throws (I did have the best free throw average on the team!). I do recall I was the leading fouler and had the most concussions on my team. Anyways, this isn't about me. His coach is the coach of the high school girl basketball team. So, we had to laugh at the first practice when all of the other teams seemed to have mere organized chaos with balls and kids going everywhere and our team was running real drills like dribbling around chairs! Nate is loving it all and I think it would be great sport for him to pursue and excel...because this momma isn't cheering for her son who has starved himself and is wearing a leotard rolling around on a mat with another young boy who has starved himself and is also wearing leotard (aka wrestling!). Nate's working his way towards a new pair of high tops and now refuses to wear shorts that aren't past his knees! Go Rocks!

Working on lay-ups. Please notice he as the great responsibility of wearing #1 again!
On the sideline with AJ and Cal

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