Wednesday, January 18, 2012

And then there were more...

So, as Troy tries to whittle his waist I am expanding at exponential speed. It's not all sausages or a fake boob job. I am growing fingers and toes as we are expecting another Baughman in June! We recently shared the news with the kids and they went bonkers! We sat them down to tell them we had something to share and Nate actually guessed it by saying, "What? Are we gonna get another kid?" We laughed and said yes! He must have overheard some of our whispers. Tessa immediately asked "How many?" Thankfully, it is just one. They started coming up with names like Hiccup and Tito and arguing over where the baby will sleep. They both went to school bursting with their good news...these kids would not be good secret keepers! Tessa told her preschool class that we are having a baby boy and his name is Denard Robinson. She broke it down for them and seriously convinced even her teachers by explaining that his first name would be Denard, the second name would be Robinson and the other name would be Baughman. I swear this was not coached. We all know we love us some Michigan football but I can honestly say that Denard Robinson has not been nor will be on the name list! For the record, we don't know if it's a "Denard" or a "Dee" but nevertheless this baby already has a nickname. It's a good thing these kids aren't responsible for naming anything important any time soon.

Of course I have adorable little alien-like ultrasound pictures but for the life of me cannot get them to upload and look anything more than a blob of black of smear. The curse of the third child...already no pictures. Poor thing.

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