Sunday, January 22, 2012

January Birthdays

Gramma Char and Laura share the same birthday and Kendall and Boz share their birthday the day before so it's always a good excuse to get everyone together during January. This year Kendall chose ice skating in BG and dinner at a buffalo wing bar! Love that girl! Happy 7th Kendall! Happy Birthday Mom, Lola and Boz (out of respect I won't list how young you are)!

Nate and Tessa getting warmed up
Gramma Char lacing up Molly
Tessa, Molly & KendallZack and Nate

Zack. He eventually got the hang of it and left the safety of the wall!
Nate using one of the kid carts and Troy...and some other random kid
Tessa was tearing it up on the ice! She's quite the speed demon.
Left to right: Zack has the cart, Nate in the background against the wall, Gramma Char (we had to keep her from showing off with her spins and double toe-loops), Kendall in the blue jacket with the cart and some other random BG ice skaters.

The Birthday Girl!
Kendall opening up her the bar. Gramma Char got her the cool scarf and hat!

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