Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Took the kids to the Detroit Zoo. There is a Dinosaur exhibit that we've been wanting to see. We had sunshine and quite a few animals were out. Mom's complaint though: not enough bathrooms in the joint! Geesh! When you give your kid a large lemonade it's only a matter of time before they have to drain it out. Well, we had to briskly walk through Africa and then around the North Pole and still couldn't find a stinkin' potty. Needless to say we didn't appreciate the animals much on that bend of the tour. Luckily, they warned us before we entered the Dinosaur exhibit that there are no bathrooms inside. The kids loved the dinosaurs. We had a really fun day!

Here's a great lesson for your kids?!? What the heck? A dinosaur that has been attacked by carnivorous dinosaurs! Nate had an answer for nearly all gazillion questions that Tessa asked.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Old Lady.
Happy Birthday to me. I officially have to check another box for my social demographic now. Wow. I can smell the hair dye, taste the diet shakes and feel the botox already. It's only been a few days, but really being 29+6 ain't that bad so far. The kids got me some giant sunflowers. Not because I love sunflowers but probably because they are giant and easily appeared much more interesting than any other flower in the store. I am not a big fan of cake so they presented me with a cookie cake and chocolate chip mint ice cream. I didn't have to work or cook and used my birthday as a threat for good behavior all day. It was a good day. It did rain. I've decided to make up a new old wives tale that if it rains on your 29+6th birthday you are going to be rich. Here's to my riches and wisdom.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Dad's Day
Monday, June 20, 2011
Watch out Pamela Anderson...
....there's new beach babe in town! I dragged Miss Tessa to our cousin Lauren's bridal shower this past weekend. It was about as thrilling as bridal showers get, of course. I had promised Miss T as a reward for her good behavior that we would hit the beach after the party. Well, with about 3 presents to go at the party there was a rumble of thunder and downpour followed a few minutes later. Despite the persistent rain I kept my promise and we went to the beach. No worries, there was no lightning or thunder! Miss Tessa had a ball running up and down the beach. She chased sea gulls and dodged the dead fish washed ashore of Lake Erie. Seriously, it's a little disturbing to see the amount of dead fish on the shoreline. And, then, of course, I let my daughter romp around in the potentially toxic waters!? You can see in the pictures that the water was pretty rough. Tessa kept begging me to take her in the deep end. She was lucky I was cool enough to take her to the beach in the rain, I wasn't getting in the freezing, rough water! She's looking forward to going back with Gramma Char in July.

Saturday, June 11, 2011
For real, Nate's SIX!
Friday, June 10, 2011
School's out for Summer!
Today was the last day of school! Yeehaw! Nate has met his kindergarten requirements and will be moving on to the First Grade! Holy Schnikees! Tessa finally will be going to DK (fancy word for 4 year old preschool, remember) as she has been talking about it for two years now! The kids got to go up town to the bakery for breakfast before their last day. What better way to celebrate than with chocolate milk and donuts as big as your head!

Monday, June 6, 2011
Birthday Treat at School
Nate has one of those summer birthdays so he gets to pick a random day at the end of the year to celebrate his birthday at school. He chose to take in Popsicles for his treat. They proved to be a good choice since we are having a nice summer heat wave! He got to wear a special birthday crown that announced he was six and his whole class sang the Birthday song to him.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Not Exactly the National Tractor Pulls.
Cousin Cole got to stay with us for the weekend of Nate's birthday party. The local tractor pulling club had an 'event' that appealed to us and our hillbilly roots so we toted the kids out to the park in the 90 degree heat and humidity. The tractor pulls didn't exactly prove to be anything close to what we are used to. But I guess we've been spoiled, depending on the way you look at it, having the National Tractor pulls nearly in our backyard growing up in Ohio. There was a little petting pony zoo that the kids enjoyed. Troy found a kielbasa and homemade root beer stand that made him happy. And, in keeping with Nate's birthday theme, there was a climbing wall at the park that the boys conquered in no time flat.

Saturday, June 4, 2011
Birthday Party at Planet Rock!
Dinosaurs and rock climbing. A six-year-old's dream! Nate hosted a few other kindergartners and his sister, of course, at Planet Rock for his 6th birthday. It was a pretty big deal since this was his first 'friend' or kid birthday party. Celebrating with cake and our cousins has been sufficient in the past. Nate's school debut has amped up our birthday circuit invitations and obligations though. With his recent obsession with rock climbing and an affordable and easy package offer from the local climbing gym we decided to let him have a real kid birthday party! A quick Google search on the Internet informed me that it is appropriate to invite the same number of children as the age of the child. What a great rule! We had a Dinosaur cake made to order for the birthday boy. Cake and ice cream and other snacks proved to be a great reward after those kids scaled the walls. They got an instructional session, fitted for shoes and harnesses and away they went. Their little brains were clickety clacking and their little muscles were definitely getting a work out. Even Tessa did the zip line!
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