Monday, March 21, 2011

Zack is Eight!

Zack came up to God's Country for his birthday celebration this year! It seems that he is expecting this is an annual event...his birthday and celebrating it in Michigan, that is. And, we're thrilled to have everyone. The boys and Boz took off for the boat show all afternoon and Amy and I hauled the kids to the local inflatable haven Jump City. The kids had a great time. They were running on E after two hours of non-stop jumping and running and sliding. We also spent some time taking turns tearing it up on the 4 wheeler. After some pizza, cupcakes, ice cream (no worries, we had some veggies, fruit and salad too!) and the birthday song the kids were tuckered out and asleep by 8:30p! We think this is a great tradition for your birthday, Zack! Happy Birthday! Eight is great!

From top to bottom, Zack, Molly, Nate and Tessa.

The ladies, Kendall, Tessa and Molly.
The Birthday Boy!
Tessa, Molly (midair!) and Nate in the jousting and boxing pit!
The boys playing some video games.
Kendall on her first trip around the driveway...she drove herself straight into the woods and nearly into a tree! But, she got the hang of it.
Sweet sisters enjoying some ice cream!
Miss T.

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