Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mom gets another shout out!

Kindergarten seems to be focusing on reading and writing. I know. What happened to chocolate milk, sharing and rest time? Almost daily Nate comes home with some assignment where there is a lead in sentence that he must complete and then draw a related picture. Last time I wrote about this I was so proud because not only did Nate say that he loved me, his mother. Not the deer or the sun, remember? But, he also said that he loved me because I make vegetables. So, this time around I was happy to get another shout out when the lead in was "What do you like to eat for breakfast?" However, I was associated with Poptarts. Ouch. As above he writes, "I like poptrts becus I like to have it wit my mom." First of all, how adorable is that phonetic spelling? Not bad. But, secondly, I will tell you that Nate does not even eat Poptarts for breakfast! As a matter of fact, he usually chooses a nice sugar-loaded cereal or a processed, frozen blueberry Eggo waffle. But, now that he's mentioned it, a Poptart sounds pretty good and may make the grocery list. Nate, will you join me breakfast?

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