Friday, March 18, 2011

Sneaky Little Leprechaun!

We embrace our Irish heritage here in the Baughman household. I know, I know, Baughman and Neuenschwander? But, you forget my Gramma Bea was a McWilliams and, of course we have the O'Haras. So, Kiss Me and my little leprechauns 'cause we're claiming it! Nate and Tessa were on the prowl to catch a leprechaun this year. But, no luck. Those little people are just too sneaky! It did appear that one made it's way through our house, making a mess, trying on Tessa's boots, wearing Nate's Tigers hat and, most importantly, leaving droppings of gold and suckers! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Nate and Tessa sporting their St. Patty's Day shirts courtesy of Gramma Char!
Silly little leprechaun!
Tessa is still waking up but Nate is already on a mission collecting the goods!
The leprechaun must have had a heavy pot of gold or pretty big holes in his pants to drop all that gold and candy!
Nate had all sort of theories regarding the leprechaun's entrance and exit strategy.
Whenever I am asking the kids to take a picture together this seems to be the pose of choice. Don't know where they got it from, but it's kind of funny. Do you think they'll do this for me on high school graduation and their weddings?

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