Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mom gets another shout out!

Kindergarten seems to be focusing on reading and writing. I know. What happened to chocolate milk, sharing and rest time? Almost daily Nate comes home with some assignment where there is a lead in sentence that he must complete and then draw a related picture. Last time I wrote about this I was so proud because not only did Nate say that he loved me, his mother. Not the deer or the sun, remember? But, he also said that he loved me because I make vegetables. So, this time around I was happy to get another shout out when the lead in was "What do you like to eat for breakfast?" However, I was associated with Poptarts. Ouch. As above he writes, "I like poptrts becus I like to have it wit my mom." First of all, how adorable is that phonetic spelling? Not bad. But, secondly, I will tell you that Nate does not even eat Poptarts for breakfast! As a matter of fact, he usually chooses a nice sugar-loaded cereal or a processed, frozen blueberry Eggo waffle. But, now that he's mentioned it, a Poptart sounds pretty good and may make the grocery list. Nate, will you join me breakfast?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Zack is Eight!

Zack came up to God's Country for his birthday celebration this year! It seems that he is expecting this is an annual event...his birthday and celebrating it in Michigan, that is. And, we're thrilled to have everyone. The boys and Boz took off for the boat show all afternoon and Amy and I hauled the kids to the local inflatable haven Jump City. The kids had a great time. They were running on E after two hours of non-stop jumping and running and sliding. We also spent some time taking turns tearing it up on the 4 wheeler. After some pizza, cupcakes, ice cream (no worries, we had some veggies, fruit and salad too!) and the birthday song the kids were tuckered out and asleep by 8:30p! We think this is a great tradition for your birthday, Zack! Happy Birthday! Eight is great!

From top to bottom, Zack, Molly, Nate and Tessa.

The ladies, Kendall, Tessa and Molly.
The Birthday Boy!
Tessa, Molly (midair!) and Nate in the jousting and boxing pit!
The boys playing some video games.
Kendall on her first trip around the driveway...she drove herself straight into the woods and nearly into a tree! But, she got the hang of it.
Sweet sisters enjoying some ice cream!
Miss T.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sneaky Little Leprechaun!

We embrace our Irish heritage here in the Baughman household. I know, I know, Baughman and Neuenschwander? But, you forget my Gramma Bea was a McWilliams and, of course we have the O'Haras. So, Kiss Me and my little leprechauns 'cause we're claiming it! Nate and Tessa were on the prowl to catch a leprechaun this year. But, no luck. Those little people are just too sneaky! It did appear that one made it's way through our house, making a mess, trying on Tessa's boots, wearing Nate's Tigers hat and, most importantly, leaving droppings of gold and suckers! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Nate and Tessa sporting their St. Patty's Day shirts courtesy of Gramma Char!
Silly little leprechaun!
Tessa is still waking up but Nate is already on a mission collecting the goods!
The leprechaun must have had a heavy pot of gold or pretty big holes in his pants to drop all that gold and candy!
Nate had all sort of theories regarding the leprechaun's entrance and exit strategy.
Whenever I am asking the kids to take a picture together this seems to be the pose of choice. Don't know where they got it from, but it's kind of funny. Do you think they'll do this for me on high school graduation and their weddings?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Lynn!

Tessa, Nate, Lynn and LunaNate, the dog whisperer wrestling Luna and Tessa who thinks it is 85 degrees outside and donning reindeer antlers.All smiles.

Lynn celebrated her 29 + 6th birthday on Monday. We managed to bake up some red velvet cupcakes and personally deliver them to her complete with black candles and the Happy Birthday song. We got her botox, a coupon to the local fertility clinic, and a new bottle of Garnier Fructisse hair dye too...not really. We keep reminding her though how nice it is that she can surround herself with such youthful souls as myself still representing the 25-34 year old demographic! It was a relatively springy day so the kids were thrilled to run around with Luna. And, on this special occasion Tessa felt compelled to wear a summer dress and sport reindeer antlers! Happy Birthday Lynn! You don't look a day over 25-ish.

Remember you are only as old as you feel!
*Pictures are courtesy of Lynn!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Shining Starfish!

In the above terrible picture, Miss Tessa is the lone little swimmer out in the middle of the pool! She was a shining star-fish for her last lesson! I think she talked the whole time and may have stolen a little thunder from the other kiddos. Tessa gave me several thumbs up all the while floating, kicking and bubbling around in the pool. She was begging for the attention of Coach Betty even while the Coach was working individually with the other swimmers. Tessa was yelling "watch me" and "watch this" and would come up with some demonstration of blowing bubbles, bouncing or twirling around in her tube or putting her face in the water (which is mostly just flinging her hair around). At the end of the lesson the Coach wanted them to practice climbing out of the pool on their own and then jump in. Well, most of the toddlers scaled the wall out, but then also "shimmied" themselves back in for their 'jump.' Not Tessa. She announced she was going to do a cannon ball all by herself. She confidently instructed her instructor to move "way out" in to the pool and then sheepishly tweaked her placement and redirected her a wee bit closer (like within arms reach!). Tessa plunged into the pool and did do a cannon ball! Everyone laughed and clapped and, of course, that only fueled our little performer to do it another 3 times.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Nate celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday today at school for reading month. Above he is wearing his self-constructed Cat in the Hat hat while doing his homework.