Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thirty Five Years Ago

Happy Birthday Troy! Nate was the genius that announced his Daddy was his age and his sister's age. Not mathematically, of course. But the number combination of 3 and 5 makes 35 and that, my friends, is how many candles are burning for Troy! Geesh! It seems like yesterday I was making him a football shaped birthday cake with 17 on it. The kids picked out some balloons that insinuated he is old but that we are happy for him. And, they picked out some age-appropriate cupcakes with football, basketball and soccer ball rings buried in electric green and yellow frosting. A couple rounds of Happy Birthday. And, that was it. Pathetic really. Any superdad such as Troy deserves much more.

Please notice Nate doing a Heisman-esque pose in his Mike Hart jersey in the picture below!

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