Wednesday, August 11, 2010

If it ain't one gramma...

Let's be clear. Not all the fun is had at Gramma Gayla's. To make things fair in Grammaland there must be some e-quality time. So, after Gramma G's, the kids were off for a few days of summer vacation at Gramma Char's. More and more swimming and playing with cousins. Nate was astonished at himself when he jumped off the diving board in the deep end all by himself and without any life jacket or flotation device of any sort. Tessa, well, she was pretty proud of perfecting her "back flip." Some folks might argue that she is really putting her hair in the water and then flinging it backwards. But, the girl is convinced she's flipping. Her eyes do seem to roll into the back of her head with the flinging action so maybe that counts as doing a turn of some sort.

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