Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer Vacation. Yeehaw!

Spent a week at the lake. No work, all play. Lots of eating, drinking, lounging, fishing and boating.

Tessa at the Quincy Park.

The kids playing with all of their treasures that Daddy brought them after a day at one huge garage sale otherwise known as Shipshewana.

Troy would want me to brag that the raft was $2 and the gardening gloves were $1.

Zack, Nate, Sophia Miller and Sophia's buddy Kylie.
Carly's teeth are notorious for falling out of her head when she's at Archer Lake!

Speaking of garage sales. Kendall's babysitter let her purchase this fantastical hair piece at a garage sale. EEEWWWW!

Troy hot doggin' on the wakeboard.

Troy and kids catching dinner. Not really. But Nate would like to think so.
Miss T loungin'.
Handsome little guy.
Tessa's buddy Allie came for a visit too!

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