Monday, July 12, 2010

Summatime fun.

Jill, Roach, Rosey and all of their hooligans (minus Levi cuz Gramma Carol apparently had visions of him drowning even though he lives in Florida and has been on a boat or on water more than not his entire 7 mos of life!) came to Archer Lake for a day of fun. We had lots of Popsicles and ice cream and the only time there were really any tears was when we got stuck in a very random, torrential downpour at the southernmost lake on the chain. Good thing we had 17 kids on the boat, two towels and a cooler full of beers! Jill showed off a little bit and did some wakeskating. She even got up on the first try! It was a special board for those over 30 though.

Left to right: Kate, Kendall, Emma, Layla, Amy, Tessa and Molly.
Miss Kate with Popsicle face.
Layla with serious face.

Emma and Kate.
Left to right: Kendall, Layla, Emma and Jack. This is pre-Gilligan's Island rainstorm.
Kendall and Layla, preschool buds!
Rosey, Emma, Kendall, Jill and Kate post-torrential downpour.

This next segment is "Jack: Livin' Large."

Jill hot-doggin on the wake-skate.

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