Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

Well, after the Weasel extravaganza we crashed in Napoleon and then made our way to the lake for sunday's events to complete our jam-packed, fun-filled 4th weekend! Gramma Char and Papa Kenny hosted another extraordinary 4th of July bash at Archer Lake. The O'Haras and Pearsons rolled in to town. There was sunshine, pounds of food, plenty of Americana-wear for the lake parade and relaxin' and competitive activities for everyone. We celebrated Papa O'Hara's 87th birthday and cousin Scott's graduation from the Merchant Marine Academy. We also informally celebrated Scott's engagement to Kim and are hoping we didn't scare her off completely! Just a warning...this one's a biggie for pics!

Our filthy and exhausted dirtbags refueling for the next party.

Aunt Jeanie, Paige and Lola.
The gang gathering for the parade. Most of the 'vehicles' in the parade do not have 4x4!
T hanging out with Daddy watching the parade.Nate and Molly sportin' major American pride!

Triple P (Psycho Party Planner) appropriately had a throne on the truck.Lola and Aunt Mar
Team Pearson vs Team O'Hara in corn hole.
Papa O'Hara relaxin'.

Softball challenge.

Tessa playing kiddie version of corn hole.

Awwwwh. How cute is baby Stella?!?!

The celebrants, Papa O and Scott.

Scott and Kim.

Molly and Tessa.

The O'Hara kids gabbing and eating. Mar, Char, Bill and Jeanie (they are pry talking about John who is missing!)
Pearon family pic.

O'Hara family pic.

O'Hara grandkids and great-grandkids.

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