Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Eve

Sometimes planning nothing turns into something really fun! We don't get caught up much in the hype of NYE...anymore, I should say. This year we got a phone call from the Allens that they wanted to come to visit. Having nothing extravagant planned we welcomed our friends and only slightly modified our plans of cooking up some dinner for a few more people and getting a few more juice boxes for all the kids to fuel up and let them run until they dropped. As it turns out, some other folks in and around town didn't have plans to get dressed up and go out or just simply did not have a babysitter booked for the evening. So our casual evening remained quite casual but did turn out quite a crowd. Pork tenderloin, chicken nuggets, juice boxes, wine, beers, champagne, games, including a full on adult basketball tournament in the kitchen and the kids playing mermaids with garbage bags and I think even some BB gun shooting in the driveway is how we celebrated the evening. The kids, donned in a wide variety of dress up clothes from the toy bin, knew no different and celebrated NYs at 10p sharp with a video clip of the ball dropping. We tossed their tired little bodies into beds and sleeping bags and continued to enjoy the evening much longer than rational adults should. See ya 2010.

Kelsey, Naomi, Lisa and Kelly
Kelly making salad while Nate collects "dinosaur eggs" commonly known as an avocado pit.Nate, Tessa, Allie, Kayleigh, Katie and Sam.
Jay, Nate, Abby, Kayleigh, Sam, Katie and Maya.
Kelsey...the best baby in the world, hands down.

Chicken Nugget Feast.Tessa wearing her mermaid suit.Mermaid friends Abby Storch, Kayleigh and Allie.Tessa, Katie, Maya and Jay anxiously awaiting the ball dropping!Kaleigh Boike, Allie McKaig, Abby Storch, Katie Allen, Maya and Jay Sinha and Nate

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