Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Living With Children

When you are preparing for your first child you get the registry and pick out all of the very important things this small little person must have for survival. Of course you plan on making a room or a nursery chock full of a crib, dresser, changing table and all the other baby fixin's. Being a little bit of the hippie, minimalist-type I expected that my baby would need nothing but a blanket to be swaddled in and me. Well, my kid got a crib, a changing table, a dresser, an awesome ceiling painted like clouds for which we paid way too much money, a closet full of clothes and more than one blanket. And, this was just the list in the nursery. I didn't think that the kid would need space in the bathroom and kitchen and the garage! And then there are the toys. The toys that despite having a designated toy area or room manage to sneak and seep out into all living spaces! Today as I was getting ready to prepare some dinner for my family...that surprisingly didn't involve any chicken nuggets or macaroni and cheese...I came upon a toy drill neatly tucked away in the silverware drawer. These are the little things that make you want to scream but seem to make you smile even more! I will choose to look on the bright side. At least the toy was "put away."

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