Sunday, December 26, 2010

Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

We packed up Griswold style and headed back to Ohio for Christmas. All four of us had our seat to sit in and not an inch to spare otherwise. Santa Claus made his annual stop at Gramma Char and Papa Kenny's on Christmas Eve. Everyone got a chance to sit on his lap...including Me and I asked for a cleaning lady. That Santa is a good, jolly old man and my cleaning lady starts in two weeks. Yay, for me. Anyways, Santa brought his best elf, Bernard, with him. Bernard is rather technologically savvy and had digital "files" on each child stored on none other than his cell phone! Nate jumped right up on Santa's lap and answered his questions, promised to work on sleeping in his own bed all night and didn't even ask for a Wii for the gazillionth time. Miss T wasn't feeling Santa and Bernard. So, from the safety of my lap she reiterated that she wanted a big fat Barbie and a big fat penguin. Not sure why everything had to be big and fat for her this year?
The rest of the evening was spent imbibing, stuffing our faces and kids opening a sea of presents. Oh, and trying to master the Fushigi ball. After a few drinks and rounds of the Fushigi ball most of the adults just wanted to throw the ball at the skinny dude with the ponytail and exceptionally long fingers on the Fushigi training DVD. Below is Master Fushigi Brian.

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