Wednesday, December 29, 2010

More Christmas with the Baughmans

The Baughman Grandkiddos Cole, Claudio, Haley, Christian, Tessa, Keaton & Nate!

As if Santa doesn't bring enough packages and toys, we were showered with even more toys and treats at Gramma Gayla and Grampa Steve's! By this time, the kids have mastered tearing open presents at record speed. Tessa served her Christmas Tree Cake for dessert.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Miss Claus and Gramma

Tessa, festively sporting her Miss Claus couture, did some baking with Gramma Char on Christmas day. Christmas tree cakes with gobs of green frosting and fixin's was their specialty.

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Spoils of Christmas Morning!

Santa's sleigh made his stop at Gramma Char and Papa Kenny's for Nate and Tessa yet another year. And, the load was not light. Cousin Paige peeled us all out of bed bright and early to let us know that Santa had left piles of packages and tons of toys with all of the kids' names on them! We assume that Santa leaves Napoleon as one of the last stops of the night and must be running low on cookie fuel because he is notorious for leaving a mess by the fireplace. Once again, there was something similar to a small crime scene with only crumbs of cookies left, the logs in the fireplace were knocked over and Santa's dirty boots tracked all over the Gramma's carpet. He even left a little note apologizing for the mess and congratulating the kids on another year of good(-ish) behavior! Please don't judge the mama with the savage midwinter tan and the dark circles under her eyes in the following pictures.

Boz got the boys their very own personalized Detroit Tigers jerseys! How awesome! They couldn't believe it said their own names!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

We packed up Griswold style and headed back to Ohio for Christmas. All four of us had our seat to sit in and not an inch to spare otherwise. Santa Claus made his annual stop at Gramma Char and Papa Kenny's on Christmas Eve. Everyone got a chance to sit on his lap...including Me and I asked for a cleaning lady. That Santa is a good, jolly old man and my cleaning lady starts in two weeks. Yay, for me. Anyways, Santa brought his best elf, Bernard, with him. Bernard is rather technologically savvy and had digital "files" on each child stored on none other than his cell phone! Nate jumped right up on Santa's lap and answered his questions, promised to work on sleeping in his own bed all night and didn't even ask for a Wii for the gazillionth time. Miss T wasn't feeling Santa and Bernard. So, from the safety of my lap she reiterated that she wanted a big fat Barbie and a big fat penguin. Not sure why everything had to be big and fat for her this year?
The rest of the evening was spent imbibing, stuffing our faces and kids opening a sea of presents. Oh, and trying to master the Fushigi ball. After a few drinks and rounds of the Fushigi ball most of the adults just wanted to throw the ball at the skinny dude with the ponytail and exceptionally long fingers on the Fushigi training DVD. Below is Master Fushigi Brian.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Betty Crocker Eat Your Heart Out.

Little elves at work making Christmas cookies.
One of our favorites...Rolo Cookies!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Miss Tessa. Teacher. Mother. And quite The Disciplinarian.

You know how kids can sometimes really play in to their gender role? Boys will be boys. And, girls will be girls. This can be so true. (Not always as evidenced by our dear Tessa having a spiderman birthday last year and being spiderman for Halloween.) Most recently it has been very true. Tessa has been living up to the sweet and sometimes whiny and demanding young lady that one might expect out of a toddler girl. She has been in to lugging my knock off (please don't tell her!) patent-leather Coach purse around because her bedazzled kiddy purse just will not do. She has already appreciated the difference between mommy's real plastic credit cards and her pretend plastic credit cards. Unfortunately this has also caused me be that woman at the grocery store with a belt full of groceries and no money to pay for them! She will play with her toy cash register, but of course it has to have real money in it. And, when she goes to sit down in front of a computer to do some online shopping well it certainly has to be in front of the real HP laptop and not her plastic kid computer. Geesh, Mom, this only has the ABCs and doesn't even have a link to GAP! Her plastic jewelry isn't good enough either. She must have real white or yellow gold and she prefers it to have a little sparkling gem along with it. One thing she will settle for though is an inanimate audience that she can order around or cuddle depending on her mood. Her babies and stuffed animals usually are sufficient. But it seems this holiday season the wooden snowmen are her pupils of choice. Poor wooden snowmen. If they only knew when they were bad or not listening that they gets socks put over their heads to cover their eyes! Yikes. She's tough.

This is a terrible picture but it captures Miss T holding a lecture with her snowmen. She was showing them a picture of her brother. Not sure if she was telling them to avoid him or what? Wearing my glasses makes her look especially academic. But lucky for the snowmen, no one was 'in trouble' as the purple cover-your-eyes-for-discipline-socks are no where to be found!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

UM Hoops

Troy took the kids to the basketball game yesterday afternoon so I could hold a serious gift wrapping session. $5 got them in the door, in the bleeders but plenty of room to stretch out, take off their shoes, run around and cheer to their liking. Troy's contribution to the concession stand wasn't as cheap though! GO BLUE!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gingerbread Houses

Mom totally redeemed her deadbeat mother status this week and had the pleasure of helping Nate's kindergarten class make Gingerbread Houses! What fun! Creativity was not the challenge with these munchkins. Reminding them NOT TO LICK THE FROSTING KNIFE and encouraging more candy on the house than in their little mouths was the bigger task at hand. I only had five kids at my table for about an hour. I can't believe this woman wrangles these 20 kids every and all day! Yikes. Three cheers for teachers.

Nate with his masterpiece...which was merely pieces of graham cracker sans candy within the next 24 hours!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rewards v Bribery

So, we have been working on molding and fostering Nate's good behavior at school. He has had a record run of REDS (that means no warnings and a 'great day' in the kindergarten world). We've been providing some motivation for this good behavior. Nate decided this week he would like to sleep downstairs if he had an all red week. Some may call this a small form of bribery, but letting him set his goals seems to be working. Although sometimes he does need some redirecting and consideration of scale when trying to negotiate his reward. The Wii and trips to various places seem to keep coming up. We were happy to settle on the FREE plan to sleep downstairs and stay up late on the weekend!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Zoo Lights

We bundled up with Na, John, Lynn and kids and went to the Toledo Zoo Lights Before Christmas this weekend. It was cold. Poor Allie was determined not to wear her coat. But a little wrestling and straight talking from mom and dad and a big cookie as a reward seemed to finally win her over. Nate seemed to be more focused on going to every concession stand available rather than checking out the lights display as well. A seat in the stroller and a basket of nachos kept him quiet. Tessa and Kelsey were good. Those firstborn children can be difficult divas sometimes! As usual, our favorite part was the dancing trees where the lights are set to all of our most favorite Christmas songs including the Hippo song!

The plan was to get the coveted Christmas card picture. With Allie growling and Nate with nacho cheese all over his face, this didn't happen for either family. But, we did still get some good pictures...thanks to Lynn and her mad photo skills...oh, and patience too.

This was one of my attempts at a picture of Nate and Tessa together. They were sitting on panda bear...until they fell off!