Sunday, February 10, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

Tessa and Gramma Char hosted a Valentines Day party for all of the ladies in Tessa's kindergarten class.  We doused the house in pink and red and hearts.  There were lots of sweet treats, games and crafts.  That Gramma Char can really be creative and really knows how to command a crowd of young ladies!

 From L to R front row: Emily, Tessa, Harper. 
Back row L to R: Sydney, Abby, Abbie, Gemma and Macie
 Silly faces

 Stacking fruit loops contest
 Nate and Mia joining in the fun.  Nate is pry shopping for a prom date!
 Look at this little Valentine!
 Frosting cupcakes
 A Valentine Story
 It's not a party without a piñata!

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