Monday, March 12, 2012

Rocks for Jocks

We closed out Nate's basketball season this week. The Slippery Rock Rocks had a great season! Nate's improved incredibly and is looking forward to getting high tops for next year. My only complaint is that now he refuses to wear shorts that don't go past his knees. This is only a complaint as he only has 3 pairs that meet this strict criteria right now and it proves to be a challenge for the house help/launderer/mom/me. It is also kind of sad for the several other pairs of gym shorts in his drawer that he has shunned.
The Rocks
L to R : Owen, Cal, Lucas, Connor, Nate and AJ
This is a terrible picture that I had to over expose so you could actually see it but I find it quite funny. That's Nate and the other kid, yep, that jolly old giant second grader, is the kid that Nate was defending! Good thing Nate has speed on his side.
Rocks are warming up with lay-ups
The Rocks enjoying a post game celebratory cupcake.

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