Sunday, March 25, 2012

Alex's Birthday Party

We celebrated one of Tessa's best buds Alex's birthday this weekend. A bunch of five or nearly five year old girls was chaos. Good for the parents hosting that the bowling alley serves beers! Big brother Nate turned on the charm or begged rather and got to hang with the girls too. He thought he was pretty hot stuff bowling with all the ladies. He's ready for the youth bowling tour and now has an obsession with bowling. I told him it's a rainy day activity. Nevertheless, it rained the very next day and I had to listen to him cry and whine about going bowling!

Alex, the birthday girl, and Tessa
Opening the loot
Miss T bowling. The girls were seemingly more concerned with what color ball each was using than knocking down the pins!
Around the table, front to back, Ella, Tessa, Ava, Ruby & Ava K.
Ruby, Alex and Tessa

Monday, March 19, 2012

March Madness

Zack and family came up to God's country for the weekend of St. Patty's day. Of course, we had to keep up our tradition of celebrating Zack's birthday so, as ordered, we got him a Tigers baseball cake! The boys and Boz took off for the boat show and sadly did not return with a fancy new upgraded pontoon boat with plenty of cup holders and kickin' stereo that I had requested. Aunt Amy and I relished in the unseasonably sunny and 80 degree weather with the kids all day.

Kendall, Tessa, Molly, Zack & Nate. Yep, Tessa is wearing a bathing suit! She declared "it's summer!" I reminded her it was March 17th.
The birthday boy...NINER, NINER.

The boys, shirtless. And, Zack is pant less. If you look closely he's in his skivvies! Washing up the 4 wheeler after they tore through every mud pit on our property.
Zack and Nate. Someone feed these poor children!

Hockey in the driveway. Wolverines v Buckeyes, of course.
Look, there are no leaves on the trees and these kids are in shorts!
The ladies having a nail session.
Miss T showing off the polish work.
Our newest Rosebrook cousin, Rookie. Hanging (and apparently digging!) under a tree.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Rocks for Jocks

We closed out Nate's basketball season this week. The Slippery Rock Rocks had a great season! Nate's improved incredibly and is looking forward to getting high tops for next year. My only complaint is that now he refuses to wear shorts that don't go past his knees. This is only a complaint as he only has 3 pairs that meet this strict criteria right now and it proves to be a challenge for the house help/launderer/mom/me. It is also kind of sad for the several other pairs of gym shorts in his drawer that he has shunned.
The Rocks
L to R : Owen, Cal, Lucas, Connor, Nate and AJ
This is a terrible picture that I had to over expose so you could actually see it but I find it quite funny. That's Nate and the other kid, yep, that jolly old giant second grader, is the kid that Nate was defending! Good thing Nate has speed on his side.
Rocks are warming up with lay-ups
The Rocks enjoying a post game celebratory cupcake.