Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

While I was trying to catch up on vacation pictures our beloved Daddy had a birthday pass! The kids and I surprised him with a tandem kayak! He wasn't really surprised as in a fit in the days before the big day Nate decided to blurt out that we were getting him a kayak. Nevertheless, he was happy. Nate and Tessa picked out the color and I forked over the cash. I felt pretty cool driving around town with a big ole orange kayak strapped to my van. Very hippy and granola and outdoors-man-like. I decided to run some extra errands that day! He's made some trips down the river with some buddies and a few with Nate as co-captain.

The kids sitting in the kayak in the yard waiting for Troy to come home.
That's them actively rowing as Troy pulls in the driveway.

Nate and Troy launching in the river.

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