Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cousin Kelley's pictures!

So, Cousin Kelley loves to take pictures and does a fantastic job at it! She graciously snapped some sweet, sweet pics of my munchkins this past weekend.

This is Tessa showing us how she swims underwater. That's baby cousin Grace in the tube!
Jumping in the pool!
Pool party at Grampa Hara's! Most memorable moment when Cousin Kyle jumped in with baby cousin Liam! Wow!
Taking baby cousin Grace for a swim!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Cousin Lauren's Wedding

Well, Cousin Lauren got married to Stephen this past weekend and that just meant we got to partay with the O'Hara's. This was the kick off to a long summer vacation for the kiddos as we left them behind to hang out with Gramma Char for a whole week!

Apparently I have loaded the pictures funnest to early in the night most tame. Here is Aunt Jeanie dancing with the chicken man (some creepy guy at the bar). I didn't get the footage of her massaging his "beak head"....that's pry better for all of us!
Gramma Char, Creepy Chicken Guy (that my sister threatened to chop of his #*$% if he grinded my mom!) and Aunt Jeanie. This blurry picture does a good job of representing a lot of the O'Hara's inebriated vision that night!
Cousin Ali's boyfriend Cole and Aunt Marilyn. Cole was beating himself up the next day for "not hanging out with the O'Hara's?!! Ha!
Bubba and Troy enjoying a tender moment by the lake.
Uncle Steve giving Aunt Jeanie a lap dance!
Ali and Lola tearing up the waterside dance floor!
Aunt Jeanie, Ali, Char and Amy
Ali and Marilyn
Cousin Kyle & Uncle John
Tessa dancing with a rose. I think all the kids thought the party was for them!
Cousin Brad and "Cousin" Will representing Team Green and Team Blue.
That's Ali, The Maid of Honor, being announced for the wedding party! And, yes, they announced her height and weight and yes, she tore off the sweat suit!
Tessa hanging out with Aunt Jeanie. Uncle Dick was stuck back in Florida with work obligations...later on in the night Aunt Jeanie was on top of a table at the reception! Maybe she thought the party was for her too!
Zack, Will and Nate
Nate and Zack. Love this photo. Love that Nate looks like a 6 year old Don Johnson wanna-be.

Not sure how it ended up that I didn't get a single photo of the bride and groom!?! Thanks for the good time, Lauren and Steve! Best Wishes.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


So, this is what happens when you live in a small village that is full of avid hunters and dad takes you running errands to the local one-stop-shop outdoor sports store to pick up something quite benign for the boat...

Apparently Nate spotted some hanging carcasses, asked about a bajillion questions and then came home to create his own little taxidermy tent. This is incriminating footage and pry supposed to be a red flag for some sort of bad behavior. I will chalk it up to creativity at this point, watch carefully and be hopeful that he becomes a veterinarian.

Friday, July 8, 2011

4th of July parade at the lake

We definitely had American pride at the lake for the 4th parade. Troy and Bubba fixed up Papa Kenny's truck and we loaded up the kids decked in Red White & Blue. The kids threw candy, the boys threw beer and Aunt Amy and I fried like bacon on the tailgate. The weekend was full of sunshine, skiing & tubing. Nate got on the wake board again and wasn't threatened by any seaweed! Tessa even attempted the zip sled! She's fearless. She'll be skiing in no time. I was too busy being mother of the year and planted on the sand bar for the take-off and these lessons to take any pictures. But, Gramma Char does have some evidence!

Aunt Amy holding a nail session!
I braided hair.
Aunt Amy putting stars and stripes on Tessa's nails.
How cute is this little Patriotic Diva, Miss Molly?!
Nate looks like he's sitting around a campfire telling jokes like a 50 yr old man in this picture!
Tessa got her hands on the camera and took about 75 mug shots of Zack.
Proud to be Americans.
L to R: Tessa,Kendally, Molly, Nate & Zack

Papa Kenny's Baconator all decked out!
Nate hot doggin' in the tube

Tessa and Molly. It's quite funny to watch these two because they giggle and talk the entire time!NO hands! One the most popular tricks.

Weasel 4th Celebration!

Gramma Gayla and Grampa Steve hosted yet another fun-filled Weasel 4th celebration. The kids were swimming in the pond all day. Nate had to have jumped off the diving board at least a hundred times! Uncle Todd brought his awesome blow-up water slide that got beat on all day! And, in true Weasel tradition, everyone got another lighter and a bucket of fireworks!

Cole and Nate. Both with fire sticks and not an adult in the picture?

Yep, those are lighters. L to R : Haley, Tessa, Colette & Corinne.

Go Tigers!

We had a small stretch of vacation over the holiday weekend and started it off with a Tigers game at Comerica Park with the Amy, Bubba & kiddos. It was a scorcher! Good thing the beers were cold and Troy and Bubba's pockets were deep! At one point Tessa got so hot that she decided to shed her jersey and was watching the game shirtless in her mini-denim skirt. She's been in to wearing jewelry lately. So, how I noticed that her shirt was off was because I noticed a little shimmer in the corner of my eye and it was one of my diamond necklaces shining in the sun against Tessa's bare chest! Go Tigers!

Awwh. Family picture. Although I think it's kind of funny because it looks as if that kitty does not want to be seen with us! It's eyes must have been burning from our beauty!?

Love T's forced smile here. She's like, "Mom, it's a gazillion degrees and I want cotton candy and all you keep doing is taking my picture."
If you look closely you can see the silver chain around Tessa's neck! She has expensive taste!
Nate discovered soaking his hat in the drinking fountain water was a good way to keep cool!

Look at those red cheeks!