Well, Cousin Lauren got married to Stephen this past weekend and that just meant we got to partay with the O'Hara's. This was the kick off to a long summer vacation for the kiddos as we left them behind to hang out with Gramma Char for a whole week!

Apparently I have loaded the pictures funnest to early in the night most tame. Here is Aunt Jeanie dancing with the chicken man (some creepy guy at the bar). I didn't get the footage of her massaging his "beak head"....that's pry better for all of us!

Gramma Char, Creepy Chicken Guy (that my sister threatened to chop of his #*$% if he grinded my mom!) and Aunt Jeanie. This blurry picture does a good job of representing a lot of the O'Hara's inebriated vision that night!

Cousin Ali's boyfriend Cole and Aunt Marilyn. Cole was beating himself up the next day for "not hanging out with the O'Hara's?!! Ha!

Bubba and Troy enjoying a tender moment by the lake.

Uncle Steve giving Aunt Jeanie a lap dance!

Ali and Lola tearing up the waterside dance floor!

Aunt Jeanie, Ali, Char and Amy

Ali and Marilyn

Cousin Kyle & Uncle John

Tessa dancing with a rose. I think all the kids thought the party was for them!

Cousin Brad and "Cousin" Will representing Team Green and Team Blue.

That's Ali, The Maid of Honor, being announced for the wedding party! And, yes, they announced her height and weight and yes, she tore off the sweat suit!

Tessa hanging out with Aunt Jeanie. Uncle Dick was stuck back in Florida with work obligations...later on in the night Aunt Jeanie was on top of a table at the reception! Maybe she thought the party was for her too!

Zack, Will and Nate

Nate and Zack. Love this photo. Love that Nate looks like a 6 year old Don Johnson wanna-be.
Not sure how it ended up that I didn't get a single photo of the bride and groom!?! Thanks for the good time, Lauren and Steve! Best Wishes.