Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter in Nappy

After a long day of t-ball on Saturday, we rushed back to Ohio to have some Easter fun at Gramma Char's. As we pulled in the drive we spotted Easter eggs all over the yard and in the bushes and trees! Nate and Tessa definitely had a leg up for the Easter egg hunt after getting a sneak peek! Gramma had a feast for us to eat along with too much candy, of course. We got to see Uncle B and Papa 'Hara. And, best of all, got to play with all the cousins. The Easter bunny has managed to find us at Gramma and Papa's every year!

Kendall, Zack, Molly, Nate, Paige & Tessa getting ready for the egg hunt.

Cousin Scott who just joined the army sent the kids a patriotic Easter treat with stickers, flags and lanyard necklaces!Easter morning Nate found his Easter basket right away despite the Bunny's tricks! I'm a terrible mother because I didn't get a snapshot of Tessa wandering out with glassy morning eyes to find her basket. :(Post Church Baughman family picture. Could mom please wipe the exhaustion of wrestling her children in church from her face or at least put some make up on!? Geesh.Sweet little ladies Paige and Tessa.

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