Thursday, April 28, 2011
Weasel Easter at the Gun Club
Easter Sunday afternoon was spent at the Gun Club in Findlay with the Weasels. Gramma Gayla ran a crazy kid circus show as usual and all the kids came home with a bag full of very special prizes. The rain held off while we were there and although it was chilly we still managed to get outside for an egg hunt, a pinata, some shooting (of course), fishing, canoeing and even a special science experiment demonstration of a geyser using Dr Pepper and Mentos!

The egg hunt was limited to the parking lot because of the mud and muck...although we did have to encourage the kids to avoid the goose poop all over the place!

Haley leading the kids on a parade (all stall tactic for Gramma Gayla to get the next activity ready!)
Pinata for Easter?! was in the shape of an Egg! L to R: Tessa, Colette, Kaden, Emma, Corinne, Grayson and Connor.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Easter in Nappy
After a long day of t-ball on Saturday, we rushed back to Ohio to have some Easter fun at Gramma Char's. As we pulled in the drive we spotted Easter eggs all over the yard and in the bushes and trees! Nate and Tessa definitely had a leg up for the Easter egg hunt after getting a sneak peek! Gramma had a feast for us to eat along with too much candy, of course. We got to see Uncle B and Papa 'Hara. And, best of all, got to play with all the cousins. The Easter bunny has managed to find us at Gramma and Papa's every year!

Cousin Scott who just joined the army sent the kids a patriotic Easter treat with stickers, flags and lanyard necklaces!
Easter morning Nate found his Easter basket right away despite the Bunny's tricks! I'm a terrible mother because I didn't get a snapshot of Tessa wandering out with glassy morning eyes to find her basket. :(
Post Church Baughman family picture. Could mom please wipe the exhaustion of wrestling her children in church from her face or at least put some make up on!? Geesh.
Sweet little ladies Paige and Tessa.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
DLL Opening Day
Dexter Little League Opening Day was this past weekend. Last year was cold and rainy. This year we had sunshine but lots of mud from the recent rain. Nate is a t-baller again but a Crusher this year! His team color is orange and thankfully (for his mother!) we got grey pants again. I was praying I wasn't going to have to be scrubbing grass and dirt stains out of white pants. And, worse yet, having to compare my Tide/Biz whites to another mother's! Here's to lots of home runs. Go CRUSHERS!
Nate walking in parade with his fellow Crushers, Coach Keith (in the orange) and the Asst Coach.
Watching the parade

Terrible picture of Nate up to bat. He's wearing Mom's Number 4 this year! They played the Yellow Jackets and CRUSHED them!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Holy Tooth Fairy!
Yay! Nate lost his first tooth today! He's been telling us his teeth were loose all year long but this time it was the real deal. The bottom middle tooth has been wiggly for quite some time now (like 3 weeks for those who cannot remember the tooth losing process). He's been pushing it around with his tongue and tugging on it with his fingers. Troy and I were concerned that he would lose it on Spring Break when we weren't with him so there were strict instructions for everyone in contact with him that there was to be no discussion of teeth so as not to encourage his wiggling. And, so he comes home from break and it's still a good week and a half before this tooth let's go of it's death grip in Nate's young gums! He was sooo excited! It happened during clean up at day care after school. I'm not sure if the bloody massacre shirt he was wearing or the wide smile with a black hole in the bottom gave him away when I picked him up that day.
Gramma Char got Nate a book about the tooth fairy and it came complete with a tooth pouch and an electric votive candle (to guide the tooth fairy to your house, of course!). Nate placed that tooth in his pouch and checked on it about a bazillion times before he would fall asleep that night. His candle was burning bright on the window sill. And, lo and behold, a silver dollar took the place of his little tooth by morning. There was so much buzz about the tooth fairy that even Tessa awoke the next morning, with her eyes still closed and in a morning daze, and asked if the tooth fairy came or not.
It's next door neighbor is wiggly so it pry won't be long until Nate is bearing a completely toothless smile!
I'm not sure why Nate has a bloody nostril in the above pictures?! Don't think it was related to the tooth losing process.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
When Mama's away...
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Spring Breakin' in Ohio
As most spring breakers long to do the kids went south for their vacation. We packed them up with everything from snow boots and rain coats to bathing suits and shorts because who knows what the weather will be like in Ohio in April! They were thrilled to split their time between Gramma Char and Gramma Gayla. It took me a good 3-4 days to de-program them and get them to stop calling me Gramma! They were treated like a king and a queen and had a blast! They got to stay up late, sleep in late and play with their cousins too. Gramma Char took them to the movies to see HOP and spent countless hours in the basement toy room reading a bazillion books, playing babies and soccer. Gramma Gayla took them to the Dum Dum Factory complete with trolley ride through the candy factory. Gramma Gayla also treated them to a shopping spree at the local day care book fair. And, you can't go to Gramma Gayla's without playing some BINGO and coming home with a slew of marvelous prizes. Thanks Grammas. Spring Break 2011 was awesome!
Cole, Tessa and Nate at the Dum Dum Factory

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