Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cousin Cole visits!

Cole came "up north" this weekend. Picked him up on Friday and we had non-stop fun until Sunday when on the way home he stated, "Aunt Jen, I think I need to spend some time with my family." How cute is that? Although I wasn't sure if he really meant, " I need to get out of here away from all of you hooligans!" We watched some movies, made forts, played army, went sledding, went out to dinner, spent some time at the mall play land wasting quarters riding rides and even enjoyed McD's Shamrock Shakes...twice! Hallelujah for the return of the Shamrock shake!

Tessa enjoying a snack! The boys were nice enough to include Tessa in their adventures. Poor girl was happy to be the deer when they were playing hunting.
Nate on the jungle gym.
Cole on the jungle gym.
Tessa on the slide.

Sledding fun!The boys playing some sort of guerrilla warfare...notice the face paint that is MARKERS and CRAYONS! They did not enjoy the scrubbing that had to be done to get that off!
Picture of a FUN WEEKEND! This was taken at 8:00pm sharp on Saturday night!

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