Tuesday, September 7, 2010

All Day in K.

Today was the first day of school. Nate was quite excited. Had the backpack and lunch packed. We sat at the end of the driveway as most bus-riding school children do. We had memorized the bus driver's name and repeated the path that Nate was to walk to his school and classroom about a thousand gazillion times. The bus pulled up and of course there was a different bus driver than the one we had met and memorized her name! Yikes. Nevertheless, Nate crossed in front of the bus when given the proper gesture to do so by the driver. He jumped on without hesitation and didn't even look back! We were so proud. We added our van to the caravan of cars that were stalking their children on the bus. We tried to control ourselves as well as help Nate to fly on his own by secretly watching him get off and walk the 0.2 mi hike to his school but it was mayhem and we couldn't see him in the sea of children and crazy overbearing parents. Wow. What a feeling.The end of the day rolled around and Troy and I could barely stand the waiting to find out how the day went for our all-day kindergartner. Well, Nate told us in his signature matter of fact fashion that two boys had cried and that he was one of them. He explained the first time he cried it was just a little bit because he missed me and Troy. And, then he said he cried a lot because he couldn't find his bus after school today. Oh, can you hear a mother's heart breaking?! He said he walked up and down the hill and then the principal helped him find it. He continued and said that once on the bus they sat him with a middle school girl named Marsha that tried to help calm him down. Now, I am pretty sure this whole episode lasted a mere minute or so, but of course I picture this poor blubbering kindergartner wandering aimlessly to find his bus. Then, as boys typically do, he shut down the conversation and pretty much didn't tell us anything else. It was like pulling teeth to get any details about the day out of him.

The good news is that he came home and organized his own little school desk area for all of his supplies. And he has requested that we hang a special hook for his backpack. So, we're hopeful he'll get on the bus and go back!
We can't forget Little Miss T. It wasn't really her first of anything today. She did her usual routine and remains in the same preschool class this year. The only difference now is that she gets dropped off all by herself! She was wanting and thinking that she was going to DK or Kindergarten like her big brother Nate! Soon enough, Muffin.

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