Our little man is FIVE. Five fingers. One whole hand. Yikes! Where does the time go? Nate has successfully completed DK and has been given the go ahead for kindergarten. Crazy. And, lucky for mom and dad, Nate chose a place that sells alcoholic beverages for his birthday dinner. That is, after we completely ixnayed McDs and Taco Bell. No disrespect to the Big Mac or Soft Taco Supreme, but the 'rents would just like a civilized dinner out every once in a while and the booze was needed to cope with the fact that we are getting older every birthday that we celebrate for these kiddos. The dinner was complete with singing and clapping wait staff at which Nate completely did the fidgety-don't-make-eye-contact-they're-not-really-singing-to-me dance in his seat and then enjoyed the ice cream sundae on the house!
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