Nate awoke on his birthday morning to baseball cupcakes for breakfast and real, gas-powered, pint-sized 4 wheeler. Troy had gotten the 4 wheeler months ago and been bugging me on a regular basis to just go ahead and give it to him. To this I repeatedly responded that you don't just give a little kid a 4 wheeler on a Tuesday for no reason. It's kind of a big deal and is definitely setting a gift giving precedent. Therefore, I made him wait until Nate's birthday. In the meantime, super Dad who was way excited about the 4 wheeler went ahead and bought the kids their own helmets and other 4 wheeler related items all the while telling them that these accessories were for when they got to ride their cousins 4 wheelers in Ohio. Nate and Tessa actually bought this and were known to have worn their helmets around the yard and even in their carseats on the way to school not once ever asking for a 4 wheeler of their own. Troy had even cut some trails through the woods for some off-roading experience. So, on the eve of Nate's birthday as we rolled the 4 wheeler into the garage and placed a big red bow on it (that we borrowed from the Christmas tree down in the basement!), I gently prepared the way over-excited Dad for potential disappointment and that Nate just might not be as in to the 4 wheeler as he...

There were no disappointments for anyone though. Nate went bonkers and loved it! The first thing out of his mouth after he picked his chin up off of the floor was "Did you order it or did you buy it?" This was a funny and confusing question and reaction. Nevertheless, Nate got his helmet and learned to drive the thing after a few training spins around the driveway (all the while his mother drank heavily in the kitchen trying to cope with her anxiety).

Thank the heavens for the person who invented the speed governor...

...and for good health insurance!!!