Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Playdate with Owen and Brendan

Nate had Owen and Brendan over for a playdate today. Owen (as pictured arm in arm with Nate above) is Nate's best bud at school. Brendan (the one with glasses) is Owen's cool older brother. There was lots of running and sweating...mostly by Troy trying to teach the boys how to ride the 4 wheeler and then chase them down! They had a pretty good time as evidenced by Brendan asking if he could stay at our house forever.

While the boys tore up the yard and woods, Miss T tended to her babies, all of which she has oddly named for boys with the exception of Gorgeous, a small stuffed wolverine. Otherwise, some of the brood includes Grant (a pink unicorn), Jay (brown dog laying on the sidewalk although sometimes is called Luna too), Brian (orange bear), and Bud (a wolf).

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What's your password?

Tessa "checking her email." Have to say I never thought to log in donning a fire chief hat and no pants?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Annual Baughman Birthday Bash at the Lake

Baughmans came to Archer Lake to celebrate Nate's birthday. It was also Grampa Steve's birthday and Father's Day. Yes, once again we are dragging out the birthday celebrations Lisa-Abell-style (my roommate in college that insisted on celebrating and having birthday rights for atleast a week!). The weather was awesome! Nate got showered in gifts including a super-duper cool big time catcher's mask and a pitching machine. There was lots of swimming and tubing. Aunt Shannon made a delicious cake of the "ocean" at Nate's request. We batted at a pinata and burned up about 20 boxes of sparklers in a record 8 minutes or so. Tessa also smothered her cousin Christian all day. It was a fun-filled and tiring weekend...as evidenced by Tessa passed out on the boat!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hey Hey Hand Me Downs

Tessa has secured primary ownership of the John Deere Tractor and the 4x4 Jeep since Nate has been tearing up the joint on his 4 wheeler. Life is good. We're hoping she has the same response when she turns 16 and inherits a used vehicle, probably the minivan rusted out, that will have 300,000 miles on it!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Red Bow? Check. Helmet? Check. Insurance Card? Check.

Nate awoke on his birthday morning to baseball cupcakes for breakfast and real, gas-powered, pint-sized 4 wheeler. Troy had gotten the 4 wheeler months ago and been bugging me on a regular basis to just go ahead and give it to him. To this I repeatedly responded that you don't just give a little kid a 4 wheeler on a Tuesday for no reason. It's kind of a big deal and is definitely setting a gift giving precedent. Therefore, I made him wait until Nate's birthday. In the meantime, super Dad who was way excited about the 4 wheeler went ahead and bought the kids their own helmets and other 4 wheeler related items all the while telling them that these accessories were for when they got to ride their cousins 4 wheelers in Ohio. Nate and Tessa actually bought this and were known to have worn their helmets around the yard and even in their carseats on the way to school not once ever asking for a 4 wheeler of their own. Troy had even cut some trails through the woods for some off-roading experience. So, on the eve of Nate's birthday as we rolled the 4 wheeler into the garage and placed a big red bow on it (that we borrowed from the Christmas tree down in the basement!), I gently prepared the way over-excited Dad for potential disappointment and that Nate just might not be as in to the 4 wheeler as he...There were no disappointments for anyone though. Nate went bonkers and loved it! The first thing out of his mouth after he picked his chin up off of the floor was "Did you order it or did you buy it?" This was a funny and confusing question and reaction. Nevertheless, Nate got his helmet and learned to drive the thing after a few training spins around the driveway (all the while his mother drank heavily in the kitchen trying to cope with her anxiety).
Thank the heavens for the person who invented the speed governor... ...and for good health insurance!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

One Whole Hand.

Our little man is FIVE. Five fingers. One whole hand. Yikes! Where does the time go? Nate has successfully completed DK and has been given the go ahead for kindergarten. Crazy. And, lucky for mom and dad, Nate chose a place that sells alcoholic beverages for his birthday dinner. That is, after we completely ixnayed McDs and Taco Bell. No disrespect to the Big Mac or Soft Taco Supreme, but the 'rents would just like a civilized dinner out every once in a while and the booze was needed to cope with the fact that we are getting older every birthday that we celebrate for these kiddos. The dinner was complete with singing and clapping wait staff at which Nate completely did the fidgety-don't-make-eye-contact-they're-not-really-singing-to-me dance in his seat and then enjoyed the ice cream sundae on the house!


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Terrible Twos. Weird Threes?

Tessa drew in marker all over herself today and also spent quite a bit of time playing in a pink puffy snow suit. She is making a snow angel on the kitchen floor. Unfortunately this mostly called to my attention the need for a deep clean and/or a pet as the petrified cheerios and other crumbs flew across the floor during her arm and leg sweeping!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer's Official for those Living the Lake Life.

Summer is here, not according to the calendar but absolutely for those who live the lake life and we kicked it off with a nice long weekend. And, yes, we're still celebrating Tessa's birthday. The gifts keep pouring in so we keep serving cake! We enjoyed a great weekend of sunshine, more cupcakes and spiderman cake. Papa Kenny had to share the spotlight and the pink spiderman birthday cake for his 29th-or-so birthday celebration!