Sunday, April 4, 2010

Every-bunny loves Easter!

The Neuenschwander Grandkiddos. From left to right: Zack (7), Nate (4), Molly (3), Kendall (5), Tessa (2). This is taken moments before they tore outside to find easter eggs chock full of money and candy all over the lawn and hidden in odd places.

We spent Easter in Ohio doing the usual Easter things like egg hunting and overindulging.Here's the kids sorting their loot.The Easter Bunny is tricky with Nate and Tessa. But she did manage to find and fill their baskets while they were at Gramma Char's and Papa Kenny's house. The kids leave their baskets out to be filled and, if they are good, of course, as the Easter Bunny has been "watching" while Santa is on siesta following Christmas, they will awake to the many prizes of Easter. The Bunny hides their baskets full of treats. Along with stickers and too much candy, some of the other Easter profits included baseball cards, a new bungee cord and some pumpkin seeds to plant for Nate. Tessa found lots and lots of big girl undies, a new purple water bottle, and books in her basket too.

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