Monday, March 15, 2010

Zack Attack! Numero 7.

Cousin Zack decided to have the whole Neuey clan (sans Amy and Molly because Molly decided to barf and become febrile the night before their departure) up to God's Country for his 7th birthday festivities. Gramma Char and Papa Kenny made a pit stop on their way home from Florida and Lola and Paige road tripped from Columbus. We spent an afternoon at the Chelsea Treehouse and the kids played and played and played and Aunt Lola and Aunt Jen got to read gossip magazines all the while!

We got Zack a super-d-duper Detroit Tigers birthday cake complete with orange and blue candles. Zack was rather concerned that the cake would say Michigan. A brief conversation enlightened the young boy that Detroit and the Tigers are in Michigan and that he simply doesn't like the Wolverines. Do you think there is some brainwashing going on here, or what? Zack got some pretty cool stuff for his birthday too. We had a fantastical fun family weekend.

* It appears as if Zack's name is spelled incorrectly, however, it is really just a 'fancy' K that you can barely see in the picture. I'm not that bad of an aunt, geesh!** We let Zack cut and serve the cake. This is a great tactic to minimize superfluous cake leftovers as he served rather generous and messy pieces.

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