Sunday, January 24, 2010

First School Program

Nate and Tessa had their first school program this past weekend. It was a casual affair just for the families of the students. Mac & Cheese and meatballs were served for dinner, both Nate and Tessa's classes performed a couple songs and then a magician performed for everyone. All week Nate practiced and sang his song for his performance. We kept asking Miss T what song she was going to sing and she would shout out the ABCs at the top of her lungs. She's in preschool so this did not seem far fetched. Well, it was show time. Nate was front and center on stage with his class. He didn't miss a beat, a word or motion and even managed to smile a little bit while he sang a wintery version of I'm a Little Teapot! Tessa, on the other hand, got up on stage and wandered aimlessly with a flag that she had made with her classmates for the performance. A flag? For the ABCs? Still didn't think anything. When it came time for the motions and song, Troy and I were a little surprised not to hear the ABCs. Not even close. And, there was Tessa, not singing a word.
The parents provided desserts for the event. Gotta love the mom that brought the green frosted Elmo cupcakes. Thanks for that.
This is a Baughman Blabbermouth first....VIDEO CLIP! Enjoy.

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