Howdy! I've been busy as you can probably tell that I haven't blogged. I've more so found myself at the grocery store at 11p, going to meetings, balancing two jobs, compiling christmas lists, wrangling two kids, and home improving with my hubby than sitting in front of the computer blabbering about my family. This, however, does not mean that I don't have anything to report (or as some may perceive 'brag') about during this time.
Remember when I said that Tessa's dearest and beloved pacifier (otherwise known as Foofy around these parts) would be taken from her over her mother's dead body? Well, I might not have been that dramatic about it here, but it is quite possible that I muttered those exact words to her father at some time or another when he'd threaten to cut them or throw them all away. About 10 days ago we were having one of our typical busy evenings in the Baughman household and the Foofy population had dwindled to a critical number of one. Tyler and Cameron had come over to get some drywall, molding and tools for The Robot Store's holiday window. Little did we know that their visit would be so monumental in our little diva's toddlerhood.
It was bedtime and there was no Foofy to be found. You're picturing sheer panic right? Tearing the cushions off of the couch, tossing toys, peering into every historical favorite stash spot in desperate search of the foofy. Troy, being the superdad that he is, very matter of fact told his daughter that Tyler and Camera (that is what Nate and Tessa call Cameron) had taken her Foofies to give to the baby robots at The Robot Store. I laughed at this, but it was ingenious of Troy because he had tapped into the softest spot of my dear little daughter's heart. She has a mild to moderate obsession with babies. And, robot babies sounded interesting. Would it work? Did a crying fit ensue? Yes and Nope. Our Tessa repeated the words baby robots, had a moment of silence (for which her mother believes she was saying "goodbye" to her longtime companion, Foofy), and ROLLED OVER AND WENT TO SLEEP. A couple days later there was some random mention of the beloved Foofy but her dad and I reassured her that they were with the baby robots. And, that's the end of the story. Therefore, it is official. The Foofy is retired. Tessa still goes to bed, not as easily as we'd like, but she does and sleeps through the night. Mommy's fears of naps coming to a screeching halt were calmed. The only problem now is that she chatters constantly in the car!
So, a big thank you to Tyler and Camera and the baby robots. We're thinking the baby robots are gonna need some DIAPERS soon too?!
Hooray Baby Robots! And quick thinking Troy...