Friday, September 18, 2009

Like Johnson & Johnson say, 'No More Tears.'

So, I'm not lacking for words, but it is evident that I am lacking for time! I have only good news to report regarding Nate's school days. We only had tears on Monday of this week and it's been smooth sailing since.

If you haven't already heard me say it, Troy is super-dad. He does all the of the getting the kids ready in the mornings and the dropping off and picking up, among a laundry list of other things (fyi - he doesn't do the laundry, but somehow there seems to be a balance in our family). I often appear to be the absent mother, but it's only because of my long work hours, I promise. Anyways, Troy was not coping well with Nate's initial disdain for school. He was sinking in to a depression thinking our kid was a loner and we were terrible parents. I was excited to hear Nate talking about a couple of kids that he seemed to be playing with at school. Nate was naming names and giving descriptions of their activities including playing a modified version of tag with a girl! Troy, being the skeptic, was determined to confirm that these kids actually existed. To this, I asked, "so if they don't exist, Troy, what are we going to do? Talk to their imaginary parents?" Needless to say, there has been some tension around here. However, I did check the class list. And, lo and behold, they are real little kids that do exist! Nate has new friends! yeehaw. Three actually. Whew.

Tuesday morning's drop off involved quite a bit of pregame bribery. We had plans to go to the Tigers game that evening, so Nate was going to be picked up earlier than usual. The combination of looking forward to seeing Paws, the Tigers mascot, and not having to be jailed at this new school for which he often and openly spoke of his dislike, was enough to get him through the day. The baseball paraphernalia he had gathered while at the game seemed to work as motivation to get him to school the next day for show & tell. Yeah! And, well, that's that. He now marches in to that school, drops of his totebag and lunchbox in the appropriate places and joins in the fun. Troy picked him up yesterday and had to almost forcibly drag him out of the sandbox where he was actually playing with other kids! So, thank you to all who sent words of encouragement and support. It looks like we won't have a DK dropout on our hands, after all.

And, speaking of Paws and the Tigers. We are big Tigers fans. We had fantastic seats on Tuesday evening, great weather too. And despite the fact that they were getting slaughtered by the Royals and it was a school night, we stuck it out until the 7th inning so we could sing and see Paws. You can see our awesome view of Paws dancing on the dugout during the 7th inning stretch. However, Paws seems to be much like Santa and the Easter Bunny to our kids. They like to adore him from afar. After he finished dancing and before he returned to his cage, Paws stopped for a family snapshot. If there were video, you could also hear Tessa screaming "no like Paws" over and over. This year's Christmas card, you think?

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