Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Laundry Basket

A simple laundry basket gave these hooligans loads of laughs as well as a few gasps of horror from dearest momma.  The bigs plopped Miss Mia, who is looking a little Archie Bunker-ish in these photos, into a laundry basket.  I'm pretty sure they tossed aside the neatly folded clean clothes (because this mother would never have any piles or baskets of dirty laundry laying around) that were piled in that basket to make room for Mia and Elmo.  And, they took off running.  Literally.  They pushed her in circles around the house.  She cackled and death-clutched one handle of the basket and Elmo while taking the ride of her life.  I snapped some pictures before I had to shut down the whole event as one of the bigs noticed the enticing carpet covered stairwell on one of the laps through the foyer.  Good lord.  You can thank me later for that, Elmo.

Can you see the fear of God in poor Elmo's eyes. I love that he is in the wave pose.

Archie Bunker getting a little restless because I made them stop for a photo shoot.  She's like "Get this thing going.  I want to hear the snap of static electricity as I shoot across the tile to the carpet."

Monday, March 25, 2013


Look at what our little bleeding heart did?  Tessa chopped her hair off to donate it!  We are all affected by cancer in some way or another.  And, unfortunately we know people suffering right now.  But, we also know strong and awesome survivors too.  I'm not sure where it came from but in all honesty it was her idea to donate it.  We were totally on board.  How could we not.  3 8-inch ponytails from Miss Tessa.  Of course, she inspired her brother who wanted to donate his hair to "men who cannot grow beards."  I'm not sure how well that campaign is going but it was a kind gesture.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Born to...

We all know that kids will say the darndest things.  Well, Tessa brought home this writing piece and it did nothing but warm my heart and make me smile.  When asked what she was "born to do"  she responded with "I was born to laf (translation: phonetic spelling of laugh)."  Seriously.  How adorable and simply awesome is that?  And, it couldn't be any more true.