Tessa's preschool hosted their annual Winter Festival. Essentially they serve chicken nuggets and mac n cheese, let the kids run around like maniacs, paint faces, twist balloons, the classes each perform a song or two and the night ends with an inspiring magic show. It's always a little painful for the parents but the kiddos just love it. Tessa stood front and center this year and actually sang the words to the song they were performing. In previous years, she would tell us a completely different song that they were singing and in the end would end up sitting on a teacher's lap and not participating much (not surprising when the whole class is singing I'm a Little Tea Pot and you've been telling us that you were gonna sing the ABCs!)
Miss T in the red dress and polka dot tights.

She untwisted her dog balloon. That pink smear on her cheek is a little heart. Apparently she had asked them to paint her face like spider man. While it would have matched her dress, I appreciated whomever talked her in to a delicate heart!