Our Halloween parties were limited to school this year. Unfortunately both kids' parties were at the same time. Since I have a very important super-mom image to uphold at Nate's school (I'm a total deadbeat that never gets to go to or volunteer for anything...at least that is how I feel!), Gramma Char kindly came up and surprised Tessa for her party! Tessa got to play hooky after her party. Gramma took her out to lunch and then met us at Nate's school parade.
I was a terrible mother that must have been all caught up in my super-mom, school volunteer status that I forgot to snap a single picture in Nate's class! :(
Nate was a police officer and definitely got his money's worth out of his costume as I think he wore it for 20 days straight before Halloween day. He would hang it up neatly when he wasn't wearing it and we had to take it along with us in the car several times just in case he would need it. I caved and bought him a toy pistol for his gun holster. He wanted the snap pellets for it too and when I refused to buy them he retorted, "Gramma Gayla will get them for me." Can always count on Gramma G! Tessa wanted to be "Smurvette," as she calls her. Gramma Char made a very cute costume for her...complete with clicking high heels and a blonde, kind-of-slutty wig!

Some super-mom at Tessa's school made these orange jack-o-lanterns and filled them with fruit! How cute. We brought juice boxes. They weren't that cute.

Smurfette getting ready for school trick or treat. They parade around their daycare campus and then TOT at some local nearby businesses.

The ladies of DK - surprisingly they weren't all princesses as last year Disney made a killing off these girls! L to R (Lily, Ella, Tessa, Alex, Emma, Daphne, Avery, & Ruby).

Smurfette did not want her wig pinned in for TOT. Please notice her fancy, dangle, clip-on skeleton earrings.

Smurfette and her buddy, Blueberry Muffin (Ella)

Nate's school parade is call Book-o-ween. The kids have to carry a book that includes the character they are dressed as for Halloween. The tin-man in this pic is the principal and Dorothy and the others are the secretaries and office folks.

That is officer Nate.

Officer Nate was not allowed to carry his gun for school.

He carried a Richard Scarry BusyTown book and said that he was Officer Flossy.

Tessa at playland with Gramma Char