Friday, October 14, 2011

Lola gets married!

So, this is a long overdue post. First of all, it has taken me this long to physically recover from the goods times that were had. Second of all, how could I possibly choose among all the awesome pictures. Laura and Brian got married in Columbus on September 9th. Brian's mom is a judge and performed a very sweet ceremony with just the family in attendance. The ceremony and reception were held at an old fire station in downtown Columbus. There were lots and lots of sparkling smiles and hugs and dancing and well, a little bit of drinking. Who runs out of vodka at 10p?!? Apparently there was a small miscalculation in the amount of booze-hounds that would be celebrating these nuptials. No worries though. There was plenty of other liquor in addition to Papa Kenny strapping a cooler to his shoulder shoving over 300 jello shots down the guests throats!
Mr and Mrs Brian Dean
Laura and Brian post nuptials marching to Rod Stewart's "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You" fondly named "The Homo Wedding March" for this event!
Me stuffing the soon-to-be Mrs Sausage-Maker-Dean into her wedding gown...not really though at all!
Momma of the Bride

Paige. Maid of Honor. Yes THAT is Paige! Yikes!The Dean family

Laura and the girls...who have asked several times since the wedding if Laura could get married again!Kendall, Tessa & MollyUm. This picture has to be my favorite picture of all time! Kendall (6), Zack (8), Nate, (6), Tessa (4), Molly (days from 5). That firetruck was also the bar for cocktail hour!The Neuenschwanders
Paige and her friends that we fondly call "The Plastics"

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Little Giants!

Blue 42, Blue 42, hut hut, hike! That's Nate these days. Playing football for the local Little Giants. They aren't really the Little Giants. And, I have to say I was a little disappointed when Al Bundy and The Honey I Shrunk the Kids nerd were not the rival coaches but it is still just as cute and fun! They do a good job of rotating the kids around to various positions. Of course, Nate's favorite positions are quarterback and wide receiver. His stats so far include 2 touchdowns, a touchdown pass and an interception. He also has a really great tackle under his belt but seeing that it's flag football it doesn't really count!

There's our little Tom Brady in the blue and yellow shorts waiting for the hike.
Look at that form!Nate and Owen and Coach Ian at the halfNate and Gerzon on defenseThat's Nate's rear end on the left playing defense
Nate and Owen

Tessa and Gramma trying to stay warm at one of the FREEZING games!
Nate was in the huddle when Gramma came up to the field and we saw him jumping up and down and heard him asking the coach if he could take break so he could come over and see her. Don't think you're supposed to beg to be taken out of the game!
Nate throwing a touchdown pass. He's the little face in the middle with the blue hat on and he throws a really nice spiral to the boy in the maroon sleeves with his left arm up.
Nate and his buddies Gerzon and Owen.
Nate and Gerzon after the touchdown!