Tessa had a long week of indecision regarding her attire for the evening as most young ladies her age do. She was slated to be a horse after having been muscle-chested Spidey for school. But, nevertheless, she was feeling more like a kitty that evening. So, we were a cat AGAIN this year. Her buddy Allie similarly wasn't feeling her adorable bumble bee costume her mom had gotten her and insisted on wearing last year's Piglet. Independence. Such a wonderful thing.
Nate settled on a reprise of his old fireman costume for school since I wouldn't let him be the coveted Ninja. For his school parade you have to carry a book with your character in it. This parade is so academically called Book-o-Ween parade. And, while I would have been able to easily find a book about ninjas, I was more concerned about Nate becoming or enacting his role as a ninja while marching in this parade. We made a deal that he could be a Ninja for TOT. So he wore a Ninja costume for which he begged and his mother got 75% off at the drugstore and still overpaid for the cheap piece of nylon called a costume. I think my pantyhose over his face would have given nearly the same effect. He was thrilled to pieces as evidenced by his karate chop-ninja-esque poses for the camera! I don't think Ninjas typically carry a light saber, but Nate the Ninja thought it looked cool and was even more awesome when he tied it to his pant leg.
Miss Kelsey didn't make a peep as per her usual. She was the most adorable and pleasant little strawberry ever!