With the help of his dad, Nate built a pretty cool snowman today. He was sure to get out his Snowman Kit that Gramma Char gave to us. You can tell that we have a little spring fever in the house as the snowman is ready to play baseball! Not so sure if a baseball player should be puffing on a pipe, but, oh well. He is wearing his heart patch.
Speaking of baseball, we signed Nate up for tee-ball league in the spring. Nate's birthday missed the cut-off date but we called to ask if he could sign up for the 5 and 6 year olds since those would be the kids he goes to school with next year (I know, that's a whole other issue we're dealing with...he's going to go the school. yikes.). Anyways, the manager said they would let him sign up and then they would decide at evaluations. What? He has to try out for tee-ball? Seriously? They don't even do kindergarten screening in this district! I guess this is the big leagues around here. Baseball is a pretty big deal. Therefore, Troy, who is trying to live vicariously through his son as well as planning his retirement fully based on his son's athletic potential, has been tying Nate's right arm behind his back and running drills ever since the sign up meeting! No pressure, Nate.